Yesterday we told you the top ‘5 PSOne Classics Worth Playing On Your PS Vita‘, today we bring you the top ‘5 PSP Games Worth Playing On Your PS Vita.’
The majority of the PSP games available to download from the Playstation Store are cheap as chips, perfect if you aren’t able to splash out on a full PS Vita game, or even just to replay a classic you loved on the old PSP.
Anyway, here’s our run down:
1. Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories
The first true Grand Theft Auto on the go came to our pockets in 2006, and despite the limited hardware at the time, GTA: Liberty City Stories managed to pack a full GTA experience that you could take on a train, bus or long boring car journey.
Taking to the open road in whatever vehicle you decide to steal is a blissful experience, and even more so with a proper analog stick instead of the PSP’s thumb cramping nub. Graphically it doesn’t hold a torch to PS Vita games, but back when it first made its way to the PSP it was mind-blowing and was the closest thing to a PS2 on the go. If you need a GTA in your pocket, you need to get this.
2. LittleBigPlanet PSP
Can’t afford to join in Sackboys latest adventure on the PS Vita? Well consider this one a warm up for the main event.
LittleBigPlanet PSP puts you into the stuffing of Sackboy and your job is to collect as many prize bubbles as possible as you make you way through the 20 plus levels. Sounds simple because it is, but its good fun on the go. Once you have finished with the story, the fun doesn’t end! Take to the level creator and create your own game for others to play. For less than a tenner, you can’t go wrong. Just make sure you get your hands on LittleBigPlanet PS Vita at some point, you will kick yourself otherwise!
3. LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures
LEGO games on the PSP were great up until the point when developer Travellers Tales decided it was easier and cheaper to port the DS versions to the PSP.
Thankfully, LEGO Indy didn’t get a shoddy port but instead was a faithful recreation of the console version. One of the last decent portable LEGO games will set you back around £15/$15, but it’s worth it. Play through the original trilogy following the tried and tested LEGO formula; smash stuff, collect studs, smash baddies, collect more studs. It’s a simple formula that works just as well as 2+2. For you money you will be treated to more than 20 hours of puzzles, platforming and beating the brick out of enemies, as well as the massive amount of collectibles. Easily digested in small chunks and a pleasure to see on the PS Vita’s screen.
4. Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron
The Star Wars Battlefront series is possible the best use of the franchise since the original films came out in the 70’s.
While Elite Squadron doesn’t have the same playability of its console counterparts, it’s a great on the go shooter. The controls were initially weird and stiff on the PSP, mainly due to the lack of a second analog stick. Instead of using the face buttons to move the camera, with the PS Vita you can assign them to the second stick. It’s not perfect but it’s definitely an improvement over playing it on the PSP.
Gameplay is instantly familiar to fans of the series, taking you through a campaign of around 12 missions following the story of a Clone Trooper named X2 as you battle on the ground and in the skies. The story is a bit naff, but the action is solid and once you finish up the campaign you can jump into Instant Action and play out your favorite battles.
5. Justice League Heroes
Last but not least is the super hero dungeon crawler, Just League Heroes. First available for the PSP in 2006, it’s one that has aged just fine for a portable game.
Similar in gameplay to the fantastic X-Men Legends, but with a DC super heroes twist. Justice League Heroes puts you in the tights and spandex of the DC A-Team as you pummel and smash baddies through the fairly long single player campaign. With a large roster of characters to play as and more to collect, it’s a time burner with a bit more sophistication than flinging some birds at pigs. For your super hero fix on the road, this should serve you well.
That’s your lot! Personally I cannot recommend these games enough. They are cheap, cheerful little games that won’t burn a hole in your wallet and still provide some great fun for a low price.
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What are your favorite PSP games to play on your PS Vita? Let us know in the comments below.