Jet fighting seems like the perfect match for a virtual reality headset. With its fixed cockpit view, 360 degrees of vision and obvious real-world parallels, it’s like VR was invented for such high-octane merriment. So with that in mind, Ace Combat 7 has been announced as a PS4 exclusive. The trailer below gave a taste of the action.
Just the thought of standing on the edge of that huge tower in VR is enough to help develop a severe case of vertigo. The trailer shows some refreshingly non-realistic ideas, like giant flying battleships and small swarm-like unmanned planes. Ace Combat’s always been an odd mix of inventive dogfighting action in fictional lands and JRPG-style dialogue about camaraderie and world domination. It’s a mix that works well, and those elements in addition to an excellent musical arrangement appear to be all in place for this sequel.
Plus it’s got virtual reality!