If you’re struggling to find Barracuda in Palia, don’t panic. Once you know where to find them, they are easy to find and you’ll be able to get them with ease. This guide will tell you everything you need to know about how to get Barracuda in the game.
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How to catch Barracuda in Palia
In order to catch Barracuda in Palia, you need to go to Bahari Bay. This is the only place you can catch Barracuda. Additionally, they are a nocturnal breed of fish, so they can only be caught in the evening and nighttime. You can check the time of day by looking at your HUD in Palia. It is an uncommon fish, so it may take you a little while to catch a Barracuda in Palia, but don’t lose hope if you don’t get one right away!
Getting to Bahari Bay is also very simple, as you can get there fairly early in the game. Once you have made your way into Kilima Valley, head east and you will find your way into Bahari Bay. Follow the road down to the beach and you’ll be able to start fishing in no time.
Luckily, Barracuda don’t require a specific type of bait in order to be caught, and you can use any type of fishing rod to catch them. The higher upgraded fishing rods will make it easier for you, but it isn’t a necessity, it depends if you have them to hand when you get to Bahari Bay. Due to Barracuda being an uncommon fish, using the Makeshift Rod may mean it takes a little longer, especially if you aren’t using any bait to go along with it. However, it is entirely your choice!
That’s everything you need to know about how to catch Barracuda in Palia.
For more guides on Palia, keep reading The Games Cabin.