Cel Damage HD released on PC, PS4, PS Vita, and PS3 last year to warm reviews from critics, but perhaps it found a little more favour with those who held it in high regard due to the pure nostalgia factor. What, you didn’t know it’s a game that’s older than some of our readers? Well it is, in fact, it released in 2001 for the OG Xbox, PlayStation 2 and Nintendo Gamecube.
Fast Forward almost 15 years and we find ourselves able to relive this gem on the more recent consoles, though there’s a gap, isn’t there? The Xbox One release has been a mystery since the HD re-release was first announced, but that mystery will soon be put to rest: The Pan European Game Information ratings board (PEGI) has today rated Cel Damage HD for the Xbox One. As we’ve said countless times in the past, it’s highly unlikely that the PEGI authority would rate a game without it existing, so while this is still not 100% (we’re leaving it at 99.6,) it’s pretty much all the confirmation we need at this point.
We’ve fired an email off to the game’s developer, Finish Line Games, to see if it can shed some more light on this one. But yeah, it’s coming.