Hello there ladies and gents. As you’ve probably realised, The Games Cabin is going through a few changes, most notably being the outward appearance of our humble little website. Well, it’s not so little actually: we’re growing by the day, so thanks for that!
We’ve decided that a few changes needed to be made in order to make the website appeal to more people. It’s often said that you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, and that’s true with websites, too. But, we’ve come to the conclusion that the old design was a bit clunky, chunky, and a little dull. So we’ve decided to give the ol’ mothership a fresh lick of paint and a few upgrades under the hood. Hopefully this will mean that you, the readers, will enjoy your time with The Games Cabin even more than you did before. We’re all here for a bit of fun, so why not look pretty doing so? Jesus, we sound like mob wives…
There’s also some changes in the staffing, too, but that’s not really something the readers need to concern themselves with. We’re still going to be pushing out as much high-quality, informative, and – hopefully – amusing content on a daily basis. If you’re interested in joining the team, send your emails to the Big Boss Chris. You can do this by emailing [email protected]. All emails will be answered within 48 hours, but if you send abuse, he’ll make every effort to get back to you even sooner.
So there you have it. The Games Cabin is going through a bit of puberty; there’s still some work to be done (we need a new logo STAT, again, email us if you think you can help) and we’ll be making a few more changes to the general layout over the next few weeks while we optimise. If you do notice anything a bit weird, a bit out there, or something genuinely broken, we’d appreciate if you would give the Big Boss a shout.
Cheers, you beautiful specimens.
PS: If you don’t get the reference in this post’s title, watch the video below. David Bowie is a musical genius, only bested by The Killers. Don’t make us fight you on that.