Not all that long ago Techland announced that the cost of the Dying Light Season Pass would be going up from £15.99 to £23.99. The reason given was that the sheer amount of content in the new expansion that’s due out soon.
The new expansion is The Following and it adds much more to the base gameplay. It’s a rather large expansion by any account, and it brings with it new gameplay features, such as driving vehicles. Whether that really warrants a price-hike in the Season Pass is anyone’s guess. It’s worth bearing in mind though, that the game’s publisher is Warner Bros., a publisher known for its dirty tactics. Ahem, Arkham Knight and its shoddy Season Pass.
Obviously, many were outraged at the move. Meanwhile, everyone else just carried on as normal. If you already bought the Season Pass then you’re getting The Following anyway and you don’t need to pay the difference. It’s the new players who’ll be stumping up the extra pounds, dollars, and Euros.
However, if you reside within the UK, you don’t need to worry about paying more than the original £15.99. Online retail giant Amazon is offering the PS4 version of the season pass for its original price, while UK video-game specialist (hah!) GAME is offering the Xbox One version for the original price, too.
So, if you’ve not bothered to jump into Techland’s gruesome but brilliant Dying Light, and you want the full package when you do, you’re not going to have to send any more money to Warner Bros. than you have to. Lovely.
[Update: North American players can also benefit from a lower price thanks to Amazon US also flogging the Season Pass for its original price. It should now cost $29.99, yet the retailer is holding the stock at $19.99. Nice one, Amazon.]