Assassin’s Creed: Unity is mere weeks away, but that won’t stop eager fans from researching every bit of information on the upcoming Parisian adventure through time.
Those research efforts may uncover some ugly truths for gamers who dig deep, truths that may or may not affect their buying decision. There’s already been a huge uproar from the gaming community because Assassin’s Creed: Unity doesn’t run at full 1080p 60 frames-per-second, an argument that spawned many theories including rumours that Microsoft had forced Ubisoft to make the PS4 version equal to the Xbox One release.
Then we’ve heard of poor frame rates within the game itself, something that can seriously hinder the enjoyment of the player and is a big turn-off for many.
After a few hours with Assassin’s Creed: Unity I can say with certainty that the game has its problems, but so do all others out there. However, Ubisoft already has an excuse lined up to rebuff the complaints from gamers.
Think about it. What is Assassin’s Creed: Unity? A game? Of course. But it’s really a game-within-a-game. Hear me out.
It started with Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation for the PS Vita. The game itself was presented as a product of the modern Templars – Abstergo Industries. The same is true with Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag and its accompanying DLC Freedom Cry.
Assuming that Assassin’s Creed: Unity is also being presented as a game by Abstergo, Ubisoft can simply lay away the criticism and direct it at the fictional Abstergo. Poor frame rates? That’s Abstergo’s fault for trying to cram too much detail into a game. French people speaking English with distinctly English accents? That’s Abstergo making sure they accommodate the English speaking players who buy their products.
Would Ubisoft actually use Abstergo as a shield against fans complaints? If they had a decent sense of humour, I’m sure they could pull it off with some of the minor complaints and give fans a giggle in the process. Maybe this is what Ubisoft intended by introducing Abstergo’s Animus gaming console…
Assassin’s Creed Unity is out on Xbox One, PS4 and PC this November 11th, you can get your copy from Amazon UK.