If you need help finding the Seaside critter list in Hello Kitty Island Adventure so you can help Keroppi open up his Nature Preserve, this guide will tell you everything you need to know about where to find the Seaside critter list in the game.
Seaside Critter list location in Hello Kitty Island Adventure
If you need help finding the Seaside Critter list in Hello Kitty Island Adventure, don’t panic. It is relatively easy to find. Of course, before you can collect it, you have to make sure that the Nature Preserve is unlocked and your friendship level with Keroppi is level 2. This is because the Seaside Critter list is the first one that you have to find. You won’t be able to get started on finding the lists without meeting these first prerequisites.
Before you get started finding the Seaside Critter list, you’ll be tasked with finding the Bog Critter list, which will also help lead you to the Seaside Critter list. Head inside the Bog Room, keep going north but stay to the left in order to find the Seaside Critter list.
Once you have travelled far enough, hidden far into the corner will be the Seaside Critter list, hiding away. You’ll find it nestled in the roots of the tree of the Bog room. This is one of the simpler critter lists that you can collect compared to the others that you will have to collect later on in the game, as it doesn’t require you to do any complex jumping puzzles or use any tools to get to it.
That’s everything you need to know about how to get the Seaside Critter list in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.
For more guides on Hello Kitty Island Adventure, keep reading The Games Cabin.