Later this year we’ll be delving back into the dark and murky world of contract killing with IO Interactive’s brand new Hitman game. It’s not out for a couple of months but the developers are happy to sit around talking about the game, even dropping hints as to what we’ll be seeing when the bald killer makes his next-gen debut.
Speaking with the ever-lively and energetic Hip Hop Gamer, one of IO Interactive’s technical wizards was asked about what we’ll see in the new Hitman with regards to story content.
“In terms of story, I can’t tell so much right now because because it’s pretty much under wraps but we will reveal something pretty soon. There will be a really interesting overarching story arc that will also reflect on a lot of the older games and a lot of stuff that happened in the Hitman games, so long-term fans, man… They will love what we drop on them.”
The Hitman games have been out and about for almost 15 years now, so there’s a rich mythology that the developers could tap in to to please the long-term fans. We’re going to have to wait and see what’s in store, though, as Square Enix has – very rightly so – denied our request for a copy of the game to be delivered to The Games Cabin HQ by Monday.
Hip Hop Gamer also asked about whether the new game or any sequels would put players together in co-op missions, sort of like how Ubisoft forced it upon players in Assassin’s Creed Unity. The good news is that there are no plans right now, though we can definitely see it being a cool addition if done with enough care.
“The thing is, right now I have to say no. This is a new technology and it’s a new experience for us as well. It’s a very interesting journey and it’s something bold, something fantastic, we think. Of course in the long-term we think about stuff like that but right now we really have to get the basics right and see how this digital release is working out for us.”
Hitman will plant a disc in your PS4, Xbox One and PC this December 8th. Actually, he won’t. He’ll be activating a download to your platform of choice – Hitman is going digital only.