Welcome to our guide to unlocking Spirit Ashes and Acquiring the Spirit Calling Bell in Elden Ring. In this guide we will be giving you step by step instructions on how to acquire the Spirit Calling Bell and unlock Spirit Ash summons.
What are Spirit Ashes and the Spirit Calling Bell
Spirit Ashes are summons that you can call forth to help you fight bosses and help clear certain zones in Elden Ring. To be able to use your Spirit Ashes you must first acquire the Spirit Calling Bell.
How to get the Spirit Calling Bell in Elden Ring
Getting the Spirit calling Bell in Elden Ring is very quick and simple. The first step is to make your way to the Site of Grace at the Church of Elleh. Be careful and avoid the Tree Sentinel boss. Inside you will find Merchant Kale who sells the crafting kit for 300 runes.
Once you have the Church of Elleh Site of Grace, follow the road from the church to the Gatefront Ruins area and find the Gatefront Grace Site.
Once there, rest at the site and go through the conversation with Melina and accept her proposal to unlock Torrent the horse.
After you have Torrent, Open your map and fast travel to the Church of Elleh Grace Site.
Upon arrival an event should trigger. The area should turn a little dark and foggy, the vendor will be in a daze, and the witch Ranni will call you over to her.
Head over and talk to Ranni and select the dialogue options to say you can call the spectral steed and she will give you the Spirit Calling Bell and the Lone Wolf Ashes.
And thats it. You now have the Spirit Calling Bell and have unlocked Spirit Ash Summoning. If the Ranni event does not start for you don’t worry. Rest at the Grace site until nightfall. After resting, fast travel to a different site of grace and then fast travel back. After a few seconds the event should trigger.