Technology is kicking arse lately, isn’t it? Avalanche Studios has been working hard on Just Cause 3 for a while now. It won’t be long until we all get to reap the fruits of its labour as the game is due out on December 1st.
There’s still a couple of weeks to go, then, but that hasn’t stopped Avalanche from getting us foaming at the mouths with a brand new 4K trailer. Honestly, it’s bloody impressive how the visuals can be so clean. Unfortunately, only a small minority will be enjoying Rico’s latest romp in 4K, but it’s still nice to have a look at. Maybe the next generation of consoles will support 4K… PC players, you’re in for a treat.
The trailer is pretty short, but oh so frickin’ sweet. Take a look down below then weep as you realise your toaster of a rig won’t be running it even on ‘low’ settings.
Just Cause 3 releases on PS4, Xbox One, and PC this December 1st. You can pre-order yours here.