Over the last couple of days we’ve been quite prolific with our coverage of Avalanche’s Just Cause 3, as we managed to grab an early copy from an independent retailer. As such, we’ve already posted our review, some screenshots, and a piece on the game’s less than optimal frame rate and loading times.
We’ve been inundated with comments and emails asking to see some gameplay. It takes time to upload such content and it’s time that we as a small team don’t always have. Being that today is Sunday and our only commitment is to avoiding crap telly and church, we’ve finally managed to get some videos up. Hooray! So without further babble, direct your peepers southwards to have a gander at our captured Just Cause 3 gameplay. There are a couple of videos captured before the patch was installed and a few from after the update was applied to the game.
Just Cause 3 releases on PS4, Xbox One, and PC December 1st. You can get your copy here.