I’m normally not a big fan of special editions of games – I’m a bit too old to be playing with plastic figurines, basically.
However, I, like many others are, am looking forward to Hello Games’ upcoming PS4 space-adventure No Man’s Sky, and as such I would happily throw any and all money at any and all things related to it.
Ever since the first reveal of the game I’ve longed to touch a space-ship. Seeing as NASA haven’t replied to my emails and I doubt they’ll reply to yours either, this may just be the closest to inter-galactic space travel as we can get.
Check out the images below of the fan-made model:
No Man’s Sky is due out sometime later this year if all goes to plan. Hopefully we won’t have any unexpected delays, because damn, even my dreams are starting to look like No Man’s Sky.
What do you think? Would you pay a little bit of extra dough to get your hands on one of these magnificent beasts? Let us know down in the comments section down below.