Our serial continues!
I have been playing League of Legends since its release and I have always found the lores in the game itself fascinating. They allow you to immerse deep down within the stories around which the game was built. Sure the first couple of champions were simply created and the follow up stories have been released like some addition to them, to give them some depth, but as the game progressed and continue to rise in popularity around the world, League of Legends creators have seen the opportunity to tell a story for each champion so they have created the universe that is called Runterra. These back stories help you connect with your favorite champions on a deeper level and may even influence your choice for your favorite champion as well. I know that it has influenced me for sure.
There are a lot of amazing stories in the League of Legend’s universe that really explain the universe to a reader and make a player much more immersed in the game since, the one keeps imagining the world of Runterra while playing the champion in the Summoner’s Rift. But nothing can be perfect, since there are many champions that really have awful lores that need drastic improvement, and I am here to point those champions out and hopefully these articles will find their way into Riot Games’ HQ so that they can finally fix these monstrosities.
Disclaimer: When these lists are made there are 159 champions in the game, by the time it is finished there probably will be some new additions to the universe so I will fit them in the current roster at the time of their release.
Previous edition:
151: Kog Maw
Similar to all void champions Kog Maw’s lore sucks hard. But it is at least for some part better than Cho’Gath’s lore where Riot just kept repeating that he is really scary and terrifying. If you aren’t old player and simply jump into Kog’Maw’s lore you can only guess that he is in love with Malzahar. Nothing else. Nothing wrong with that but I doubt that’s what Riot was going for.
The best part of the lore:
‘’When the prophet Malzahar was reborn in Icathia, he was led there by an ominous voice which thereafter anchored itself to his psyche. From within, this voice bestowed upon him terrible purpose, and though Malzahar was no longer tormented by its call, the voice did not cease its unrelenting summons. This baleful beacon’s gentle flicker – now fastened to Runeterra – drew forth a putrid beast that ambled across a threshold it did not understand, widening a fissure between the spaces which were never meant to meet.’’
Yup, the best part about Kog’s lore is the one where he is barely mentioned. So much more fun to read about Malzahar.
The worst part of the lore:
‘’The enchanting colors and aromas of Runeterra intoxicated Kog’Maw, and he explored the fruits of the strange world the only way he knew how: by devouring them. At first he sampled only the wild flora and fauna he happened across. As he traversed the parched Tempest Flats, however, he came upon a tribe of nomads. Seemingly unhampered by conventional rules of physics, Kog’Maw consumed every nomad and any obstacles they put in his way, amounting to many times his own mass and volume. The most composed of his victims may have had time to wonder if this was due to the caustic enzymes which stung the ground as they dripped from his gaping mouth, although such musings were abruptly concluded. Even this feeding frenzy did nothing to satiate Kog’Maw’s appetite. His swathe of destruction continues still as he is inexorably drawn towards Malzahar. What happens when he finds him is anyone’s guess.’’
Really? Really, Riot? You couldn’t come up with anything better apart from him eating some bystanders? And that cliffhanger? What happen’s when he finds him is anyone’s guess? Oooh, im so excited. Not. At least paraphrase the last sentence into something like: ‘’For the terror that awaits the peaceful world of Runeterra, once the two finally forgather, will remain the mystery..’’
I know, I should be a writer, right? Oh wait, I am. But why is Riot employing painters to write their articles?
150: Olaf
The problem with Olaf is that Riot have really shot themselves in the leg with his lore. They made him so uninteresting and down right boring. There is so little open space for this lore, and I think it should be scrapped altogether and rewrote with some mystical details to him added. This way he just sounds like a suicidal maniac that really wants to die but can’t so he asks for an accomplice to kill him. That’s actually a criminal delict and you could go in prison for a long time, trust me kids. Don’t do that.
The best part of the lore
‘’Infuriated, Olaf stormed into the night determined to prove the prediction false by finding and slaughtering Lokfar’s feared frost serpent. The monster had consumed thousands, man and ship alike, in its long lifetime and to die in battle with it would be a fitting end for any warrior. As Olaf hurled himself into the blackness of its maw, he fell deeper into the blackness of his mind. When the shock of freezing water roused him from the dark, there was only the butchered carcass of the beast afloat beside him. Thwarted but not defeated, Olaf set out to hunt down every legendary creature with claws and fangs, hoping that the next battle would be his last. Each time he charged headlong toward his coveted death, only to be spared by the frenzy that washed over him while on its brink.’’
Nothing too flamboyant in here, just at least is describing a fight. It’s really not good, it’s just better than the rest of the lore which is pure garbage in every shape of form.
The worst part of the lore:
‘’Olaf concluded that no mere beast could grant him a warrior’s death. His solution was to take on the most fearsome tribe in the Freljord: the Winter’s Claw. Sejuani appeared amused by Olaf’s challenge to her warband, but his audacity would earn him no mercy. She ordered the charge and sent scores of her warriors to overwhelm Olaf. One by one, they fell until he lost himself in the bloodlust once again, effortlessly cutting a path to the leader of the Winter’s Claw. The clash between Olaf and Sejuani rocked the glaciers with its force, and though he seemed unstoppable, Sejuani battled the berserker to a standstill. As they stood deadlocked, Sejuani’s glare penetrated Olaf’s berserker haze in a way no weapon ever could. His frenzy abated long enough for her to make him an offer: Sejuani swore that she would find Olaf his glorious death if he would lend his axe to her campaign of conquest. In that moment, Olaf vowed he would carve his legacy into the Freljord itself.’’
TELEVISA PRESENTA…Yup, Riot actually let this part come onto the website. So he want’s to die. Asks Sejuani to kill him. She can’t kill him. She asks him to help her, and if he does she will find a way to kill him….. What? Just what?
149: Ziggs
Ziggs is a maniac. I mean, it’s kind of clear by the looks of it but here it is anyway. He blew a hole into Academy’s wall, he wiped the prison from the face of the Earth…. Umm Runterra just so he could get the recognition that he thought he deserves, from the Academy. I mean he got it, but still?
The best part of the lore
‘’With his new creations ready for their first trial, Ziggs traveled to Zaun and sneaked into the prison compound. He launched a gigantic bomb at the prison and watched with glee as the explosion tore through the reinforced wall. Once the smoke had cleared, Ziggs scuttled into the facility, sending guards running with a hail of bombs. He rushed to the cell, blew the door off its hinges, and led the captive yordles to freedom. Upon returning to the Academy, the humbled professors recognized Ziggs with an honorary title – Dean of Demolitions. Vindicated at last, Ziggs accepted the proposal, eager to bring his ever-expanding range of hexplosives to greater Valoran.’’
Fun way to describe an insane person.
The worst part of the lore
‘’His characteristic disregard for safety brought the presentation to an early conclusion, however, when the hextech engine Ziggs was demonstrating overheated and exploded, blowing a huge hole in the wall of the Academy.‘’
Uncreative way to say he is a pyromaniac.
148: Sona
This is a story of Ma Baker, the meanest chick in all Chicago town. Nope, it’s just a lore about self taught musician that even doesn’t make any sense at all.
The best part of the lore
‘’Delving deep into the libraries of the Illuminators, she came to believe it was one of the fabled etwahls—wondrous artifacts dating back thousands of years before Demacia’s founding, and now exceedingly rare in the world. If that were true, then this was an object of magic, and Sona’s preternatural connection to it was a dangerous gift indeed. Lestara urged her to keep it secret, to avoid bringing unwanted attention from the Demacian mageseekers.’’
Nicely written. Nothing more, nothing else. Love the hint of ancient history. That’s what bought me in here. Apart from that an inclusion of some nice words, nothing special really.
The worst part of the lore
‘’Unlike her playmates, she had one possession when she was first found—a curiously strung instrument, packed into a plain wooden case. None of the visiting musicians or teachers knew what it was… though that did not stop several of them from attempting to procure it for themselves, one way or another. Instead, Sona taught herself how to play it, and her simple, beautiful melodies moved even the most skeptical listener to tears of joy.’’
So she found an instrument, that nobody knew what it even was. Like the teachers and professional musicians. Okay that part is okayish. But that it says that she taught her self to play it. Come on. The only reason why she isn’t ranked lower in here is simply because other lores that I decided to rank worse than this one, is the length. At least in Sona’s lore we have some material. Yes, it’s rubbish material but it’s material, so it can be worked around.
Next edition:
Another rank list about The Rankings of League of Legends lores is done. There is a long way to go guys trust me. We have only just begun, but I would love to hear your opinions on this one. I mean the serial. Do you like it? What would you change? Leave a comment, I would be happy to hear from you!