Tom Clancy’s The Division has been a long-time coming, hasn’t it? We’d actually forgotten all about the game until we noticed it had been rated by the Australian ratings board.
Set to release on March 8th, 2016, Tom Clancy’s The Division takes place in a ruined New York city that has been devastated by some sort of pandemic. Resources have become scarce and the people of America’s most famous city have turned into a bunch of criminals. It’s your job as an agent of The Division to bring order back to the Big Apple.
The Australian ratings authority has deemed The Division as being fit for an M15+ rating due to strong violence and themes, a bit of moderate language, some very mild drug use, and some mild sex. Yeah, we’re not even sure how you categorise what kind of sex is mild, but we’ll just have to trust the people in charge.
Tom Clancy’s The Division launches on March 8th for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.