What is Silver Ore Used For in New World?
Silver is a bit harder to come by than Iron ore. Luckily, great places for where to find silver ore in New World can be found close to the Iron Ore hangouts we discussed here. In this article, we review all of the best iron farming spots in New World. We give explanations, and also show the map of exactly where you can find them. Our favorite spot coincidentally, is Everfall again.
Silver is trackable at mining skill 35, but gatherable once you hit mining skill 10, which will be very quickly. For this reason, it almost makes sense to just mine boulders close by a settlement until you hit level 10. Then you can venture off looking for Iron and Silver. Many of the hotspots for Iron also happen to be great spots to get silver as well.
Silver ore is a key ingredient to level up jewelcrafting, so it is valuable to be able to make amulets, rings, and necklaces.
The Games Cabin’s favorite places to mine Silver Ore so far are shown below:
Best Silver Ore Location in New World- Everfall
You guessed it, Everfall made the list again. What is perfect about the targeted areas are they are so close to an abundant supply of Iron Ore as well. The spot to the northwest happens to be the most densely populated small area of Silver, and the spot just east of Everfall Town lines up nicely with one of our favorite Iron Ore spots just outside a wolf den. Remember, you can go into wolf dens and pick up some Saltpeter while you are there too!
Cutlass Keys – Where to Find Silver Ore in New World
Second up, for early level zones, Cutlass Keys has a decent concentration of silver ore to the north east of the region. The reason this beats out other early-game options is the nodes are so close to the Cutlass Keys Town. This means you can stop in town, empty your bags, go on a Silver hunt, and be back to town in no time.
Weaver’s Fen – Where to Find Silver Ore in New World
Our next favorite spot is for mid-level players who are able to venture into Weaver’s Fen. The challenge with this one, is it is not very close to any towns or fast travel shrines. This reason may mean that you will find a lot less competition farming it, so it can definitely be a good backup plan.
Other Regions – Where to Find Silver Ore in New World
Silver is also quite abundant in Monarch’s Bluffs, First Light, and Windsward. It will appear in some higher level areas as well, but much less frequent. To see more locations if you would rather look for it elsewhere, use the Interactive New World Map.