You’d think the ability to surrender in League of Legends: Wild Rift would be accessible. However, this mobile game actually traps the feature deep within menus. Activating this feature, once it’s finally fulfilled, will begin a vote. Hopefully, the function of surrender in League of Legends: Wild Rift will be a smooth process after that.
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How to surrender in League of Legends: Wild Rift
If your team is struggling to level up and defeat opponents on the battlefield, it may be time to surrender in League of Legends: Wild Rift. However, keep in mind that you can’t surrender until you’re five minutes into the game.
To access this feature, press the super tiny gear symbol next to the mini-map on the top left. Click it, and the Settings screen will appear. On the bottom left next to the “Network Test” tab, you’ll see Surrender. Click on it to start the process between your team and yourself. If four people, including you, agree to stop the match, the game will end, and the other team wins.
If it isn’t time to surrender, there will be a number next to the option, indicating the seconds left.
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When should you surrender in League of Legends: Wild Rift?
Thankfully, games in League of Legends: Wild Rift don’t typically last as long as their PC counterpart. The action is faster, and the trajectory of the game can change at a moment’s notice. This makes surrendering something you should think of at rare moments. Activating the high frame rate mode makes throwing the towel less likely as well.
On the other hand, you should surrender in League of Legends: Wild Rift if your opponents are at a much higher level than your teammates. You should also consider this option if you’re on the brink of losing. If you see all of your towers taken down, and your opponents have all of them up, it’s time to activate the surrender option. As a general rule though, you should wave your white flag during the latter stages of the match, not near the beginning.
Hopefully, you’ll succeed in your games and get a higher rank. You may want to consider choosing a better mid-lane hero too.
For more League of Legends: Wild Rift guides, keep reading TheGamesCabin.