Today April 4, 2022, World War Z Aftermath released 1.34. In this update multiple bug and stability fixes were implemented. Listed below are the full patch notes.
World War Z Aftermath Patch Notes April 4 1.34
- Addressed a bug with displaying wrong mutators in Ul.
- Fixed issue with the character getting stuck in item pickup animation.
- Fixed issue with character not being able to open item crates in some cases.
- Addressed a bug with perk selection getting reset after installing the latest update.
- Fixed issue with being able to change level in challenges lobby.
- Fixed issue with unique ACW and Sword getting unlocked only after game restart.
- Addressed a bug where prestige perks not working and overriding class perks in some cases.
- Addressed a bug where weapons not leveling up in Horde Mode.
- Various fixes and improvements.
- Fixed several gameplay crashes.