Looking for the Crystal Refinery Tears of the Kingdom locations? This guide should have everything you need to know about the exact location of each Crystal Refinery and what you can do with them. Keep reading to find out more about where to find them in the game.
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Tears of the Kingdom – All Crystal Refinery locations
The Crystal Refinery is where you can upgrade your Energy Wells to get more battery power for your vehicles or other contraptions. There are two of them in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. There’s one in the sky and another on the surface.
The first Crystal Refinery can be seen on the map above. It’s right next to the Nachoyah Shrine, which is one of the main Shrines required for the intro to the game.
You can easily get there by fast travelling to the Nachoyah Shrine.
Another Crystal Refinery can be found just slightly to the north of Lookout Landing. This is probably the most convenient Refinery, as it’s very close to other helpful places like a general store, the emergency shelter and the Skyview Tower.
Both of these Crystal Refineries will allow you to exchange Crystallized Charges for Energy Wells and power up your battery.
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What can you do at a Crystal Refinery?
When you visit Crystal Refinery Tears of the Kingdom locations you will find that there is a Steward Construct outside who you can speak to. This friendly fellow will allow you to use his services to turn Crystallized Charges into Energy Wells.
To get Crystallized Charges, you’ll have to collect Zonaite. There are lots of places in the game where you can exchange Zonaite for Crystallized Charges, such as the Great Abandoned Central Mine or Abandoned Eldin Mine in the depths.
There are Steward Constructs in these areas who will exchange three Zonaite for one Crystallized Charge, or three Large Zonaite for a Large Crystallized Charge which is equal to 20 smaller ones.
Take these Crystallized Charges to a Crystal Refinery and for every 100 Charges you exchange, you’ll get more battery power. This is super helpful if you do a lot of exploring using vehicles or you just enjoy building fancy contraptions.
For more Tears of the Kingdom guides, keep reading The Games Cabin.