If you need help navigating the Depths of Malatar dungeon in ESO, this guide will tell you everything you need to do to make your way through the level 45 dungeon and how you can complete the dungeon in the game.
How to access Depths of Malatar in ESO
If you are struggling to find the Depths of Malatar in ESO, don’t panic. In order to find it, you’ll want to head west on the Gold Coast. Specifically, travel west from the Anvil Wayshrine in order to reach the Depths of Malatar. Alternatively, you can just find the dungeon through the dungeon finder.
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Depths of Malatar quest
This dungeon is a four-person dungeon, and you can access it once you are level 45.
There are five bosses and one quest that you can complete within this dungeon. The specific enemies in this dungeon include Maulers, Ice Pillars, Frost Atronachs and Purified Harriers.
The quest you will pick up in this dungeon should you choose to complete it is called The Guiding Light. To complete this quest, Tharayya wants you to kill the Scavenging Maw, the Weeping Woman, King Narilmor and the Symphony of Blades.
Once you’ve done so, speak to her again and she will reward you with gold, a skill point and an unidentified Depths of Malatar coffer.
Depths of Malatar – The Dark Orb
The first boss you will come across is The Dark Orb. It may be a bit tricky if you are in a group where you don’t know the members and aren’t able to communicate properly with them. There are a lot of ads for the tank to keep on top of and keep aggro of, with the DPS making sure that they are keeping their damage up. The basic ads won’t be a problem for the group, as long as they are dispatched quickly.
Once the Aurorans have spawned, these need to be dealt with quickly. The tank needs to make sure to aggro them as soon as possible and focus them down so that they don’t kill the group and wipe the dungeon.
Orbs will also be spawned during the fight. There are four different types of orbs that you need to be aware of, and they need to be dealt with as soon as possible, as they can cause a lot of havoc in the fight.
- The Radiant (Yellow) orb can affect the group with healing debuffs
- Phosphorescent (Blue) orbs cause AoE ice damage and can cause ice pillars to spawn on the ground. These can easily be destroyed with a light attack
- Blazing (Red) summon meteors from the sky and cast multiple fast-paced attacks on the ground that emits from each player. If you move in a tight circle, this will allow you to avoid damage. Spreading out will cause overwhelm and wipe the dungeon
- Scintillating (Purple) causes lightning damage and will equally cast multiple fast splashes that emit from each player. Moving in a tight circle allows you to avoid damage. These need to be taken out quickly to ensure survival
Once adds are dealt with, attack the Dark Orb. When adds spawn, stop attacking the Dark Orb, deal with the adds, and keep following the process.
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Depths of Malatar – King Narilmor
King Narilmor can be pretty dangerous, so be careful when you are fighting him. There are a couple of tactics to follow when you are fighting King Narilmor.
First, you want to start the fight by fighting him in the middle of the room, and the tank will turn the boss away from the rest of the group. The fight starts off pretty normal, and you will interrupt mechanics as and when you need. However, King Narilmor splits into four. You have to be careful when this happens, as only one of them is the real one, and that is the only one that will take damage.
The best way to do it is to get your DPS to focus on one target at a time, and then you’ll know whether it is fake or not when the damage shield falls off and the target disappears. If the shield falls off and they continue to take damage, that is the real boss, and you’ll want to continue to funnel damage into that boss.
Annoyingly, the reflections can have the same abilities as the real version of the boss, so you’ll need to keep on top of interrupting all of the abilities from each version of them. You’ll want to make sure that you are on top of your cooldowns, and not burning through them too fast, so that you aren’t losing out on essential resources.
The boss as well as the reflections will also be assigned a random colour, which gives it an element that will make the fight even more of a pain.
- Yellow – Affects the group with healing debuffs and casts Radiant Oppression which needs to be interrupted
- Blue – AoE ice damage spreads along the floor, as well as ice pillars that are spawned in the middle of the room. They can be destroyed with a light attack.
- Red – Calls down meteors on every player and bursts into multiple moving AoEs Avoid these by getting into the gaps created
- Purple – Fast-paced lightning damage that hits on the ground coming from every player. To avoid taking damage, move in a tight circle and let the lightning disperse
There will be additional attacks that you need to keep an eye out for from King Narilmor. He will cast an ability called Power of the Light which is cast onto one player, and it builds up over time and eventually explodes, dealing significant damage. Make sure to interrupt this if you see it being cast.
There is also Dawn Breaker, where the boss slams down Dawn Breaker in front of him and does a massive amount of damage to anyone who is in front of it. If you are the tank, make sure to block this damage.
Tharayya and Quintus are fighting during this boss fight, and it is up to you to keep healing Tharayya whilst she is in battle. Should she not be healed and the ghost takes over her, the fight gets much harder as the boss will gain huge damage shields that you’ll need to contend with.
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Depths of Malatar – Symphony of Blades
This boss has some mechanics for you to follow, and relies on coordination. Luckily, you can take your time with this fight. Start the fight in the centre of the room, and make a triangle formation behind the boss.
The boss will have a heavy attack that needs to be blocked, but this is simple enough. Should you be a DPS who is targeted with this attack, dodge and roll out of the way. Don’t try to block or outrun it, as you will die.
There will be an AoE and stun that Symphony of Blades pulls out, but don’t panic! One player will be picked at random for this mechanic. You have to stay in place for this, and let the AoE run its course. Don’t run it into your teammates, stay away from others, and block through the AoE.
Symphony of Blades has a hefty spin attack that you’ll want to avoid. You’ll be shown the distance for the peak of the spin, so make sure you’re well out of the way. If you’re the tank, you can block this, but you can also kite it away from the group should you choose to.
This boss has an interruptable ability where he throws out his swords and then they return back to him. He channels it by looking like he is embracing himself. This does significant damage to the DPS and healer, but the tank will be able to deal with it pretty easily. If you can interrupt it, you should.
There will be two walls of mobs spawning in. This may cause some initial panic in the group, but it is easy to deal with. Focus down one of the mobs in the wall, and you will be able to pass through it with minimal issues.
Aurorans will spawn during certain health stages of the boss, as he will go immune. You will need to focus them down before they reach the boss, otherwise, he will gain the corresponding buff that is in line with the colour of the Auroran, similar to the colour scheme from the previous bosses. Should the Aurorans reach the boss, he will have that buff for 40 seconds.
There will also be orbs spawning in the boss, similar to the Dark Orb fight. These will take priority away from the boss and should be focused on. They will also match the same colour scheme as the previous colour scheme. This may happen at the same time as a wall spawning. If this happens, focus on the wall first, and then the orb.
Once the boss reaches 11% health, he will transfer into the Celestial Realm and takes you with him. His max health will double, and his health will go to 7 million. This part of the fight is relatively simple, as the tank just needs to keep the boss taunted and faced away from the group. He will have four different attacks:
- Radiant – 5-second heal debuff and Radiant Oppression
- Lightning Splashes – Tight circles away from other players to get the splashes away
- Meteors – Avoid the impact, then run away from the centre
- Ice – Get rid of the pillar and avoid the AoE
While this is happening, there will be orbs spawning that will need to be focused down, as well as smaller walls that can just be walked around rather than damaged. However, they come in any direction, so be careful.
While you are fighting the boss in this phase, try to stay as spread out as possible, as stacking can get you killed, especially with attacks like meteors and lightning.
That’s everything you need to know about the ESO Malatar dungeon and how to complete it.
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