From tomorrow, Friday 23rd November, it will be the 7th day until the official UK Wii U launch so what better way to see in the next-generation of gaming and send the Wii off than to put together a list of some of the top games the Wii has pushed out, the ‘7 masterpieces of the Wii era’.
As our tribute to Wii, everyday for the next 7 days we’ll be publishing the top 7 games to come out for the immensely popular Nintendo console.
Oh, and yes! I do understand that the Wii has a lot more than 7 must have titles, but these are the titles you should have experienced! – you know what I mean…
So check back tomorrow for number 7…
In the meantime why not tell us about your favourite Wii titles or even memories, just drop us your thoughts in the comments section below.