Bad news for those of you who purchased the cheap and cheerful 12GB PS3, you won’t be able to play GTA V online anymore.
Rockstar recently confirmed this by stating that if there’s not enough room on the consoles hard-drive, you won’t be able to access the online portion of the open-world game.
However, you will be able to access the single-play component of GTA V, you’ll just have to make sure that you’re not connected to the PlayStation Network.
Maybe now is a good time to invest in a bigger hard drive… In fact, it’s definitely time to invest in a bigger hard drive! With all the price-cuts and promotions and free PlayStation Plus games being added every month, you’ll be kicking yourself if you miss out. In the mean time if you are a PlayStation Plus member with the meager 12GB of hard drive space, make sure you add all the appropriate freebies to your download list for the future.