Nintendo of Japan has revealed that another newly designed 3DS XL colour is inbound. The colour is ‘Mint White’ and it joins the group of Japan exclusives in the library of many 3DS XL’s being kept within the region, such as: the Mario 3DS XL design, the Charizard designed console and the pink and white coloured 3DS XL.
Astonishingly though, this new addition makes it the 35th designed 3DS system since its launch back in 2011.
The 3DS had a rocky start from its initial launch but Nintendo reprehended its mistakes and now it is currently the hottest system around. 2013 is looking nothing less than brilliant for Nintendo’s flagship handheld with Castlevania: Lords of Shadow-Mirror of Fate just launched and Luigi’s Mansion 2 right around the corner as well as Monster Hunter 3, Fire Emblem: Awakening (already available in America), Animal Crossing: Wild World, Project X Zone, Donkey Kong Country Returns all set for this Spring/Summer. Not to mention Pokemon X and Pokemon Y due out this October and other unannounced titles, 2013 is looking stellar for 3DS owners.
I’m all for region exclusive designs, it gives each region a distinct sense of uniqueness, but this is a rather nice colour and it’s times like these where you may get annoyed at region exclusives… I know I was when I first saw the Charizard 3DS XL.
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What’s your impressions on this design? Would you buy it if it were available where you live? Maybe there’s another design you’d prefer out of the list of 35? Let us know in the comments below.