The Karma System is one of the biggest allures of Digimon Survive. Digimon Survive is all about making tough choices, each one impacting your Karma. But how does the Karma System work exactly in Digimon Survive?
- July 29, 2022, is the Digimon Survive release date, available for PC, Xbox One, PS4, and Nintendo Switch.
Digimon Survive Karma System Explained
Player choice is at the centre of Digimon Survive — a fact made abundantly clear through the game’s Karma System. In Digimon Survive, your choices determine how the story plays out; every playthrough is different, including the ending.
The decisions you make in Digimon Survive influence your Karma. Some choices may be minor, like what to do in the morning, and others major, such as whether to fight or flee an intense situation. Regardless of the severity, each choice will have an effect on your Karma.
How Does The Karma System Work In Digimon Survive?
When you make a choice in Digimon Survive, your Karma score will adjust accordingly. In Digimon Survive, Digimon are a reflection of oneself, so every decision you make will not only impact the story but also how Digimon evolve and respond to you.
The type of Karma you have the highest score in will determine the branch of Digivolutions that Agumon, your primary Digimon, can unlock. Along your journey, you’ll recruit more Digimon, and whether or not a potential newcomer is open to joining you will depend on your Karma. Having a high Karma score in a Digimon’s attribute will increase your chances of recruiting it.
Types Of Karma In Digimon Survive
Digimon Survive features three types of Karma: Moral, Harmony, and Wrathful. Each type of Karma is represented by a corresponding colour and will always be in the same position when you’re prompted, so you’ll always know which response is tied to which Karma type.
Moral Karma is increased by making decisions focused on justice, sacrifice, and prudence. Moral Karma is linked to the colour yellow and is always the top-centre choice. Repping Moral Karma will attract Digimon with the Vaccine attribute.
Harmony Karma is all about Compassion, cooperation, and peace. Decisions that increase Harmony Karma pop up with a green background and are always on the right. Those aligned with Harmony Karma will find that Digimon of the Data attribute tend to have an affinity for them.
While the name Wrathful Karma sounds like the go-to option for a “bad guy” playthrough, this type of Karma simply means you make bold, direct, and objective-driven choices. Wrathful Karma decisions appear in red and show up on the left. Boosting your Wrathful Karma will help aid in your appeal toward Digimon will the Virus attribute.
Digimon Survive uses a rock-paper-scissors combat system akin to Pokémon. Vaccine beats Virus, Virus beats Data, and Data beats Vaccine — keep this in mind as you build your squad.
Despite the massive role Karma plays in Digimon Survive, the game’s publisher, Bandai Namco Entertainment, emphasises that there are no “wrong” or “right” decisions. Not everything is black and white in Digimon Survive, so follow your heart and see where the story takes you.
Learn more about Digimon Survive, including Kemonogami Tradition and Branching Routes.